The Golden Fox Trickster

Kinko Mitsuki is a nine-tailed fox auspice that excels in illusory magic. She develop her illusion magic ever since she was a mere fox in order to to survive from the dangers in Othard, getting out of sticky situations on a daily basis for years earning her the title of trickster. For every 100 years she lived through she would grow another tail, and with it her power grew stronger. After being alive for 400 years, just like other foxes that have survived long enough in the area, she got her fourth tail, thus granting her the ability to shape-shift into a beautiful young woman with golden-blonde hair, complete with a pair of fox ears and tails.Living amongst the people has been her life-long dream, especially trying their delicacies. With her illusion magic she guise herself as a hyur, with the tattered clothes she stumble upon somewhere, she soon embark on a new chapter in her life. However, she soon learned upon visiting the smaller villages of a thing called "Gil". Up until earlier she was still just a fox, granted a magical one. She would then often fool merchants at the market, handing them gils that would later on turn into chestnuts. Her mischief started rumours that there are evil spirits lurking in the small village stealing their gils and replacing them with chestnuts. She would later on be caught red-handed and chased out by angry merchants off the village. During this chase she would laugh, tricking them with illusions until she finally ran far enough into the Yanxia's Bamboo Groves. Earning more name for herself, the news spreads quick about the golden fox trickster.More years have passed with her shenanigans, she would already learned to blend in so well by now, having adopted a new identity as a female hyur by the name "Mitsuki" (meaning Moon Light), complete with a fake story of herself to tell people as to not raise suspicions. She was learning and adapting the ways of society while working honestly as a courtesan in Doma, the only job she could take, being unable to read or write in that era left her with little to no choice. Lucky for her, her otherworldly beauty and blonde hair made her popular amongst the patrons, she would learn to read and write on her free time, while also be taught about their dances, music, ceremony, and even bedroom arts. She soon become the most popular Oiran at the Doma's entertainment district, tending to nobles and even the ruler of Doma himself at the time.However that peaceful life came to an abrupt halt after an Onmyoji from Koshu came to visit and found her out. The narrative the Onmyoji spun was that the Doma ruler was bewitched by the fox that disguise herself as the blonde hyur. She was then hunted and chased out of Doma, just like all those years ago she once again proves to be too slippery to be caught with her illusions. Feeling betrayed and lost, Mitsuki swore to stay away from civilization and people, she would then went back to the mountains of Yanxia to resume her life as a fox.Adjusting back to her fox life wasn't as easy, she started to crave human foods more to the usual stuff she ate as a fox. She would collect ingredients from the mountains and learned to cook on her own. During this time she would meet Tamamo Gozen, a fox that already have 9 tails and ascended into an auspice, along with two of her subordinates Ginko and Kinko (The Silver and Golden Fox), a fellow fox auspices who have sworn their loyalty to Tamamo. They would quickly grow to become close friends, she finally met her own kin that understood her properly. Tamamo would also gave Mitsuki the nickname of "Kinko" (meaning golden one / golden fox) as well, due to her golden fur that is similar to her subordinate's.Tamamo still have strong interest in people and did not bore hatred towards them even after hearing what Mitsuki went through. One day Tamamo stumbled upon a gravely wounded samurai. Taking pity on the youth, she transformed herself into a maiden and saved the samurai by taking him to an abandoned shrine that she and the other vulpine auspices reside at deep in the mountains. The young samurai turned out to be Shoen Rijin, the younger brother of the current tyrannic ruler of Doma, Seien Rijin, and leader of the people's rebellion. Shoen was determined to lead his people to vanquish his brother once and for all. While being immensely grateful for Tamamo's ministrations, his thoughts were always with his comrades and his people, and he yearned to return to the battlefield to aid them. Tamamo was deeply moved by his idealism and compassion, and soon fell in love with Shoen.Mitsuki wasn't happy with Tamamo's decision and got into an argument with her, Mitsuki would then told Tamamo to leave in a fit of anger, feeling betrayed once again by her own kin this time who choose to be with a hyur out of "love" that she doesn't understand. Thus did Tamamo Gozen join Lord Shoen's cause, granting him the power to dispose his brother at last, and free his people from tyrannical rule.Mitsuki would end up with her lone-self up in the mountains again, days become weeks, weeks become months, months become years, and it too would then turn into decades. Until one day she heard a distinct howl, it was Tamamo, she was fending off the Garleans during their invasion. Mitsuki would run down the mountain in her fox form, using her illusions to confuse the invading Garleans so she could make her way to Tamamo. However she wasn't fast enough, Tamamo was hit by the Warmachinas cannon and got gravely wounded. In a fit of rage Mitsuki would envelope the battlefield in thick fog with her magic, to the point the invading Garleans couldn't navigate properly, it was here that she ascended into her auspice status, granting her 9th tail and with it her giant nine-tailed fox form. There she would fend off the Garleans before making an exit, carrying the unconscious Tamamo.Ginko and Kinko who were hiding by the nearby Bamboo grove came rushing to help aid Mitsuki carrying the unconscious Tamamo to safety. However, Tamamo's wound was quite severe, it wasn't one that even an auspice could heal from properly. Mitsuki would cry, showing regrets in her actions all those years just over some stupid argument. Even though Tamamo eventually physically recovered, she would suffer from memory loss, she doesn't remember who she is, what she is, or even why she is there, plunged into a state of confusion.Mitsuki couldn't comprehend why Tamamo would do such a thing, putting her life on the line to protect Doma. Ginko and Kinko, her two subordinates would answer her with "Maybe.. it's because of love", the one thing Mitsuki can't understand all these years. After a long while drowning herself in guilt, She decided to give society a try again, this time setting her sight to another area outside of Othard. Adopting a new identity and guise as a Rava Viera, she embark onto the next chapter of her life, trying to understand things she did not have the chance before while looking for a potential cure to Tamamo's memory loss.